Drug and Alcohol Treatment Centers for Halfway house
Treatment Centers by Name |
Treatment Centers by City in Minnesota
- Redlake Tribal Chemical Help Programs Northern Winds Treatment Program
- Riverplace Counseling Center Mens Program
- Riverplace Counseling Center Elk River Inc
- RS Eden Womens Program
- Saint Cloud Hospital Recovery Plus
- Senior Chemical Dependency Program
- Temporary Living Center
- The Salvation Army Harbor Light Multi-Service Center Beacon Program
- Thunderbird/Wren Halfway House
- Transformation House
- Transformation House I
- Transformations House II
- Turning Point Inc Male Halfway House
- Turning Point Inc Male Inpatient Program
- Twelfth Step House Inc
- Visions Counseling Clinic
- Walker Methodist Chemical Hlth Prog
- Way 12 Halfway House
- Wayside House Inc
- West Metro Recovery Services